
Sans la nommer

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Georges moustaki
Sans la nommer

Subido el 16 may. 2008 by Anar Vid
Montage avec la chanson "sans la nommer" de georges moustaki et des images de mai 68, espagne 36, manifestation récente + affiche


Je voudrais sans la nommer vous parler d'elle
Comme d'une bien aimée, d'une infidèle
Une fille bien vivante qui se reveille
A des landemains qui chantent sous le soleil

C'est elle que l'on matraque
Que l'on pursuit, que l'on traque
Cest elle qui se soulève, qui souffre et se met en grève
Cest elle qu'on emprissonne, qu'on trahit, qu'on abandonne
Qui nous donne envie de vivre, qui donne envie de la suivre, 
jusq'au bout, jusqu'au bout.

Je voudrais sans la nommer lui rendre hommage
Jolie fleur du mois de mai ou fruit sauvage
Une plante bien plantée sur ses deux jambes
Et qui trame en liberté ou bon lui semble.

Cest elle ...

Je voudrais sans la nommer vous parler d'elle, 
Bien-aimée ou mal aimée, elle est fidèle
Et si vous voulez que je vous la présente,
On l'appelle Révolution Permanente !

Cest elle ...

Lo que dice la letra, en inglés

George Moustaki
Sans La Nommer -Without Naming Her
Transalted in ENglish by Lydie H Jones

I would like without naming her to speak about her
as of a beloved one, an unfaithful
a very living girl who wakes up
who has tomorrows which sing under the sun

it is her that we truncheon
that we follow, that we hunt down
it is her that rises up,
that suffers and gets on strike
it is her that we imprison
that we betray, that we abandon
that gives us desire to live,
that gives us the desire to follow her until the end

I would like without naming her to pay tribute to her
pretty flower of May or wild fruit
a plant deeply planted on her two feet
and that wanders freely where she feels like going

it is her that we truncheon
that we follow, that we hunt down
it is her that rises up,
that suffers and gets on strike
it is her that we imprison
that we betray, that we abandon
that gives us desire to live,
that gives us the desire to follow her until the end

I would like without naming her to pay tribute to her
beloved or outcast she is faithful
and if you want me to introduce you to her
we call her Permanent Revolution

it is her that we truncheon
that we follow, that we hunt down
it is her that rises up,
that suffers and gets on strike
it is her that we imprison
that we betray, that we abandon
that gives us desire to live,
that gives us the desire to follow her until the end


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